Poll Result
Questionnaire on Translation and Interpretation at ICANN part 1
Report date: Thursday 19 September 2024 19:57 GMT
Country: All
Q0. What best describes you?
As at Poll close: Friday 20 June 2008 18:00 GMT
Number of voters: 206
Vote counting method: V1 FPTP (first-past-the-post)
Category |
Votes | % |
Academia |
15 | 7.28 |
New gTLD applicant |
5 | 2.43 |
Individual Internet user |
37 | 17.96 |
Businessperson or Business Community |
34 | 16.50 |
Government |
12 | 5.83 |
Civil Society NGO |
14 | 6.80 |
Technical community |
20 | 9.71 |
Registry |
33 | 16.02 |
Registrar |
19 | 9.22 |
Domain Name Registrant |
17 | 8.25 |
Total votes: | 206 |
Q1. 10 languages together account for 85% of all material posted on the Internet (source: www.internetworldstats.com). Of those ten, what languages do you speak? Tick all that apply.
As at Poll close: Friday 20 June 2008 18:00 GMT
Number of voters: 206
Vote counting method: V1 FPTP (first-past-the-post)
Opinion |
Votes | % |
Arabic |
17 | 8.25 |
Chinese (Simplified / Traditional) |
14 | 6.80 |
English |
169 | 82.04 |
French |
63 | 30.58 |
German |
36 | 17.48 |
Italian |
19 | 9.22 |
Japanese |
8 | 3.88 |
Korean |
20 | 9.71 |
Portuguese |
22 | 10.68 |
Spanish |
56 | 27.18 |
Total votes: | 424 |
Q2. What kind of information published by ICANN do you use?
Below, we have split the information produced by ICANN into different categories. How frequently do you use this information?
As at Poll close: Friday 20 June 2008 18:00 GMT
Number of voters: 206
Vote counting method: V6.1
Opinion |
Very Often (several times per week) | Often (once or twice a week) | Occasionally (once or twice a month) | Rarely (occasionally during the year) | Never |
General Information (factsheets, FAQs, announcements, printed brochures, general information on the ICANN.org website) |
21 | 38 | 80 | 38 | 29 |
Strategic Documents (draft and final strategic and operating plans, budgets, annual reports, accountability and transparency framework, Presidents Advisory Committee reports, etc.) |
11 | 33 | 76 | 51 | 35 |
Policy Information (public consultation announcements, draft and/or final policy documents like working group reports, SSAC advisories, Issue Reports, formal statements by the GNSO Council or GNSO Constituencies, meeting information (agendas, documents being considered in meetings) for advisory committees, etc.) |
17 | 38 | 71 | 45 | 35 |
ICANN Meeting Information (information covering ICANN public meetings) |
13 | 43 | 67 | 50 | 33 |
Meeting minutes (Board meeting minutes; supporting organisation minutes; working group recordings and minutes) |
10 | 26 | 62 | 62 | 46 |
Other Information (older announcements, press releases) |
11 | 42 | 50 | 71 | 32 |
Legal Information (Bylaws, major agreements and contracts) |
10 | 29 | 51 | 83 | 33 |
Q3. Have you, or someone you know, had difficulty participating in the work of ICANN because of insufficient non-English-language materials, or interpretation at ICANN meetings, in the past?
If the answer is ‘Yes’ please explain more below.
As at Poll close: Friday 20 June 2008 18:00 GMT
Number of voters: 206
Vote counting method: V1 FPTP (first-past-the-post)
Opinion |
Votes | % |
Yes |
85 | 41.26 |
No |
121 | 58.74 |
Total votes: | 206 |
Q4. Here is the proposed mission statement of the ICANN Translation Programme. Do you believe this is the correct mission statement? (if you answer ‘No’, please tell us why)
“The mission of ICANN's translation programme is to provide those concerned with its work who are not fluent English speakers with an equal level of access to influence and participate in the work of the organisation as a fluent English speaker.”
As at Poll close: Friday 20 June 2008 18:00 GMT
Number of voters: 206
Vote counting method: V1 FPTP (first-past-the-post)
Opinion |
Votes | % |
Yes |
168 | 81.55 |
No |
28 | 13.59 |
No Opinion |
10 | 4.85 |
Total votes: | 206 |
Q5. Do you agree with the following statement? (taken from the draft translation programme, page 4. if you answer ‘Disagree’, please tell us why in the box provided)
Quality is key. Translations should be useful to the ICANN community and stakeholders. A process of quality control and (spot) checks by ICANN community members must be implemented to monitor quality. ICANN translations should be produced by the same translators as frequently as possible for consistency purposes; as translators learn about ICANN and translation memory databases grow, the need for review of their work will decrease over time.
As at Poll close: Friday 20 June 2008 18:00 GMT
Number of voters: 206
Vote counting method: V1 FPTP (first-past-the-post)
Opinion |
Votes | % |
Strongly Agree |
86 | 41.75 |
Agree |
103 | 50.00 |
Disagree |
12 | 5.83 |
Strongly Disagree |
5 | 2.43 |
Total votes: | 206 |
Q5.1 A central element of the draft Translation Programme is the division of materials to be translated into certain categories as detailed immediately below from page 4 of the draft translation programme. Do you agree that this is the right approach? You may elaborate on your answer in the comment box provided.
Implementation of a document classification system that distinguishes content and documents to be proactively translated (outreach content, strategic and policy-related materials) in a standard set of languages, and reactively translated in required languages.
As at Poll close: Friday 20 June 2008 18:00 GMT
Number of voters: 206
Vote counting method: V6.1
Opinion |
Yes | No |
1. Outreach information to be available in: English, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, French, German, Portuguese, Korean, Italian, Arabic, Russian (most prominent languages on the Internet) |
187 | 19 |
2. Strategic and policy documents and related written materials to be available in: English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, French, Spanish, Russian (UN and WHO languages), though it shall always be possible to modify the languages for a given process to sui |
160 | 46 |
3. Other information (announcements, press releases, contracts, minutes of statutory bodies like the Board of Directors) to be translated as needed |
147 | 59 |
Q6 Document Management and Classification
Currently ICANN does not have a document numbering system or a way to search for specific types of documents. How important is such a system to you?
As at Poll close: Friday 20 June 2008 18:00 GMT
Number of voters: 206
Vote counting method: V1 FPTP (first-past-the-post)
Opinion |
Votes | % |
Very Important |
102 | 49.51 |
Important |
81 | 39.32 |
Not Very Important |
21 | 10.19 |
Unimportant |
2 | 0.97 |
Total votes: | 206 |
Q7 Document Structure and Content
The Draft Translation Programme recommends that ICANN puts its documents into a common format. This would mean, for example, that important documents have an easy to read executive summary, a glossary of terms, and so on. How important is this to you?
As at Poll close: Friday 20 June 2008 18:00 GMT
Number of voters: 206
Vote counting method: V1 FPTP (first-past-the-post)
Opinion |
Votes | % |
Very Important |
112 | 54.37 |
Important |
71 | 34.47 |
Not Very Important |
22 | 10.68 |
Unimportant |
1 | 0.49 |
Total votes: | 206 |
Q8 Do you believe that there is anything which should be taken into account by the Translation Programme which is currently missing – and if so, what?
As at Poll close: Friday 20 June 2008 18:00 GMT
Number of voters: 206
Vote counting method: V1 FPTP (first-past-the-post)
Opinion |
Votes | % |
I’m satisfied with the scope of the programme |
143 | 69.42 |
Something is missing |
63 | 30.58 |
Total votes: | 206 |
Returning Officer
Results generated by
BigPulse Online Voting