
Poll Result

ALAC Voting Delegate to the NomCom (2017 AGM - 2018 AGM)

Report date: Tuesday 25 July 2017 22:15 UTC

Candidate Selection: ALAC Voting Delegate to the NomCom from APRALO (2017 AGM - 2018 AGM)

Poll ID: 138187
As at Poll close: Tuesday 25 July 2017 21:54 UTC
Number of voters: 12 · Group size: 15 · Percentage voted: 80.00
Quota: 6.000
Winners ranked by order of victory. Showing accumulated votes in each count after distribution of preferences.
Rank Options ID Elected and Excluded Options Count1
1 15900083 Elected in count1
Nadira Al-Araj 7.000
2 15900084 Excluded in count1
Rao Naveed Bin Rais 3.000
3 15900085 Excluded in count1
Fouad Bajwa 1.000
4 15900086 Excluded in count1
Bikram Shrestha 1.000
5 15900087 Not elected in count
Abstain 3.000
Assigned ID of the candidate with distributed surplus
Loss by fraction 0.000
Exhausted ballots 0.000

Results generated by BigPulse Online Voting