
Poll Result

ALAC Ratification of the ALS Mobilization Working Party Final Report

Report date: Friday 04 December 2020 20:28 UTC

ALAC Ratification of the ALS Mobilization Working Party Final Report

Poll ID: 163976
Number of voters: 15 · Group size: 15 · Percentage voted: 100.00
Vote counting method: V1 FPTP (first-past-the-post)
Ranked by votes
Rank Vote Option ID Vote Option Votes% Voters
1 16075722 Yes 1386.67 Holly Raiche Raiche, Maureen Hilyard Hilyard, Marita Moll Moll, Carlos Raul Gutierrez Raul Guiterrez, Jonathan Zuck Zuck, Dave Kissoondoyal Kissoondoyal, Gregory Shatan Shatan, Joanna Kulesza Kulesza, Sylvia Herlein Leite Leite, Justine Chew Chew, Sarah Kiden Kiden, Sindy Obed Sindy, Pari Esfandiari Esfandiari
2 16075723 No 213.33 Abdulkarim Oloyede Oloyede, Matthias Markus Hudobnik matthias@hudobnik.at
3 16075721 Abstain 00.00

Results generated by BigPulse Online Voting